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The Ascension


Scripture Reading:

Matthew 5:8 (NIV) “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."


Psalms 24:3-5 “Who may ascend onto the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? One who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to deceit and has not sworn deceitfully. He will receive a blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.



Meditation Thought:

To the Body of Christ In Whom I am Called to Serve,


Attached is an exhaustive PowerPoint slide compiled with months of thoughts. It was intended to be exhaustive as the church has been on this journey for over 4 years. However, in short, we have been taking a trip to the Temple of Truth. We are between the stairs of Mercifulness and Inward Purity, known as the Ascension. 


Remember, we metaphorically or figuratively, climb the highest peak on earth to reach heaven's horizon, but to ascend to the Mountain of God, we have to be escorted or teleported by the Spirit. We are only able to do that by traveling in the blessed form of LIGHT or Light Speed as we are children of Light (and he has given us power to become sons of God). Once we meet the horizon (where heaven and earth meet), FLESH has to be sacrificed in order to enter into His presence. The slides are designed in a way to train one for ascension, so that we will be able to "stand in His Holy Place and when permitted, see Him (Matthew 5:8). So, the goal of the PowerPoint is to help one understand the concepts that: 

  1. The heart has to be purified, 

  2. The flesh must be sacrificed 

  3. Impurity training has to take place, 

  4. One has to understand spiritually what acclimation is (as we use earthly examples to understand spiritual concepts metaphorically)

  5. The act of deconstruction: sacrificing the flesh at the gate by going through the fire

  6. after you enter in at your own risk, the journey of ascension begins. 

Put into Practice:

Click the Ascension PDF below to begin your journey. 

The Ascension Journey

(Click to View or Download)

Corporate Fasting & Prayer

Informational Guide

(Click to View or Download)

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The church will corporately fast every Wednesday, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The purpose of the corporate fast is to help us bring our bodies, appetites, or desires (both physically and spiritually) under subjection which in turn will allow our spiritual man to grow because then we become more dependent on God. This biblical practice and principle also centers on helping us draw closer to God so that we may know His will for our lives and this ministry. 


Again this isn't mandatory, but I am asking you to walk with me through this process. If you can't fast for any reason, whether it is due to health or just lack of discipline, choose a specific time where you cut off all distractions and allow that moment to be your special time with God to pray or read/study God's word. For some it may be 5 mins, for others 1 hour to 12 hours. Just make it count. 



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