Our Covering
Labourers For Christ ministries
Headquarters - cHICAGO, IL

Apostle Dr. Shawnette A. Houghton
Founder/Presiding Prelate

Apostle Dr. Shawnette A. Houghton is Founder and Chief Executive of Labourers For Christ in Chicago, Illinois (June 1997). She serves as Senior Pastor of the LFC Word Life Center; and Presiding Prelate of the LFC Apostolic Ecumenical Network. As a Labourer, Visionary and Apostolic Leader it is her desire to fulfill the God-given mandate of Ephesians 4:12-13. For more information about the ministry and Apostle Dr. Houghton her contact information is below or you can email Elder Cherita Tate (cherita_tate@yahoo.com).
Labourers For Christ Ministries
150 E. 124th Place
Chicago, Illinois 60628

SUNDAY - 10:30 am
Worship Service
(150 E. 124th Place, Chicago, IL 60628)
Every Wednesday - 7:00 pm
Spiritual Growth & Development
Via Blog Talk Radio: (619) 924-0684

Important Ministry Times
We stream on SUNDAYS at 10:30 AM on FB Live. You are able to view the services by clicking the icons above. Stay tune as our services and all other broadcasts from Chavah Broadcast Network (CBN) ministries will be on our YouTube channel.
We invite you to join us on WEDNESDAY by phone or internet for Spiritual Growth & Development as we supply spiritual nourishment to the mind, body and soul and educate the church with the necessary tools for effective outreach. Class begins @ 7pm CST via BlogTalk Radio at (619) 924-0684 or log onto: www.blogtalkradio.com/lfc-wordlifecenter.
For more information on how to connect to these platforms or our ministry call 773.779.2900. Please check our website for more information.

Ministry Highlights!
Labourers for Christ (LFC) is a ministry on the move with the move of God. LFC has been impregnated by God with a global mission and vision.
We understand the need for Kingdom building and have been compelled by the prophetic voice of God and His apostolic order to reach the expanse of the globe and build the Kingdom.
"Reap the thousand fold harvest, one soul at a time."

THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! We cannot do this ministry alone. We invite you to join with us as we Create World-Wide Partnerships for Global Transformation of the Whole Man. You can sow a financial seed Via:
Cash app to: $lfcapostleshawnette
Zelle to: (773)-779-2900
Pay pal to: shaunettehoughton@yahoo.com
Credit Card to: (773) 779-2900 (note: there is a processing fee)
Check/Money order (made payable to Labourers For Christ Ministries)
Mail to: Labourers For Christ Ministries P.O. Box 2081 Matteson, IL. 60443
Thank you in advance for your tax-deductible donations and your partnership in the purpose & plan of God for the Wholeness of His people.

Serving In Excellence Until He Returns,
P.O. Box 2081 Matteson, IL. 60443
(150 E 124th Place, Chicago, IL 60628)
Ph. 773.779.2900 | Fax. 773.779.2901